Try our Coffee Subscription Service

Looking for freshly roasted coffee delivered to your doorstep?

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Why choose coffee subscription over coffee delivery from cafes?

Convenient solution for the "new norm"
While most of us a working from home now, our coffee habits doesn't change.

Instead of coffee delivery from your favourite cafe, you can get the same results with our arabica beans from the comfort of your home.
Cost savings that add up over time
You don't have to be an expert barista to brew a cup of coffee.

You will be surprised by the cost savings you can achieved just by brewing coffee at home.

The savings are greater if you consume coffee daily.
Freshness Guaranteed
Over time after roasting, coffee loses its aroma and thus affects the taste in your final product.

We roast weekly to make sure that you get freshly roasted coffee every time for the best cup of joe you can get.

Brewing from home is a really therapeutic experience, the beans from Coffee & Nuts are great!

Mandy Lau
Coffee & Nuts Customers

How does our coffee subscription work?

Pick your favourite bean
Choose from a wide variety of flavour nodes and roast that you like.

Remember there is no right choice, you should only buy a bean you like.
Choose a delivery schedule
We have delivery slots every day and we deliver bi-weekly.

This is to ensure that everyone is able to get their daily fix on time!
Enjoy your freshly roasted beans delivered at your doorstep
We will deliver your beans to your door step on schedule!

We will inform you a day before the delivery schedule

Our coffee philosophy

At Coffee and Nuts, we are coffee purists. 

While we understand that there has been a trend of creative coffee blends, we believe that arabica beans should be appreciated in its originality.

We do not sell pre-made blends of different grades of even types of coffee together in order to raise profit margins when it comes to our subscription service.

After all we have spent the time to source quality single-origin coffee beans from different regions and the effort to process each bean in regards to it's own unique characteristic and best practice of preparation.

For example, when you order Sumatra Mandheling coffee beans from us, you will be getting exactly just that.

However having said that, the expression of coffee is free for everyone and you should not be dictated by our stubbornness for providing only pure beans. You are find the perfect ratio in your coffee blends with our coffee beans.

What kind of coffee beans can you choose?

We are working with our partners to source for a greater variety. New options are coming soon.
Coffee and Nuts is a traditional coffee powder and beans wholesaler in Singapore. 

We take pride in processing our beans the traditional way to give you a great cup of coffee every time.

Coffee & Nuts
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Ready to enjoy a great cup of coffee?
